
Posts by "tanvir ansari"

30 Posts Total by "tanvir ansari":
11 Posts by member
Tanvir Ansari
(Michigan, United States)
19 Posts by Anonymous "tanvir ansari":
Tanvir Ansari
Michigan, United States
Posts: 11
14 years ago
Jan 26, 2010 16:13

My apology if I sounded negative, I did not know how to put the words properly. I am learning. Let me reexplain my thoughts.

What I said is Ashraf is excellent and his analysis is best in trade and yes he is mentor. But there are these big guys like Goldman/Barclay and so many other banks, who have these sophisticated software and they manipulate the market so huge that it makes him shine for 2 months and then they take the shine away and give it to other, what ever the fundamentals be. So I feel these guys keep watching what Ashraf is saying on forums, twitters and other good analysts are suggesting and they will take the trade exactly opposite to it, so as folks like us stop trusting him because we will lose money and then these guys when they suck your money will take the market to the analysis that he had given after few months.

I again do not know, if my words make sense.